There are several foods that I consider to be staple foods in my kitchen. I use these daily or almost daily and try never to be without them. I consider them essentials to our health and daily diet so I incorporate them as much as possible. Many of these staple foods I buy in bulk to ensure I always have them around (and it’s cheaper!). Here are 11 staple foods you’ll always find in my kitchen:
1. Virgin or Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – I use this almost daily in our oatmeal or baked goods. Read about why I love using coconut oil here.
2. Cultured Butter – We like our butter with some bread!
3. Plain, whole milk yogurt. I use this for soaking our grains and we enjoy eating it with some maple syrup, too! I just brought home two cases on Friday from my new coop.
4. Greens – My husband calls me a rabbit! I aim to eat at least four cups of greens a day, and I probably eat more than that just because I like to pack it in. I just can’t get enough of ‘em!
5. Bananas. Just a staple food!
6. Milk – fresh (or frozen!), unadulterated raw milk.
7. Raw honey. I use it to sweeten more than any other sweetener.
8. Grains. We eat some sort of grain every day. I have oats, millet, quinoa, three types of wheat, kamut, spelt, amaranth (we rarely eat this though), buckwheat, and barley.
9. Real Salt. Good sea salt loaded with good-for-you minerals. I salt everything. Ever since I took the Bradley Method of Child Birth classes, I have felt free to enjoy salting my foods without fear of ill health. I feel a blog post coming!
10. Peanut Butter. I LOVE peanut butter. When I’ve been in the first trimester of my pregnancies, I don’t want to be within 50 feet of it, but after the nausea passes, I can’t get enough of it! I think maybe that’s why Tara can’t stand it! Peanut butter is one of my favorite foods! Combine it with chocolate and I’m on cloud 9.
11. Eggs. I aim for two a day (though don’t always get them in!). Pastured are best–yummy, almost orange yolks and good, strong shells. They are a superfood!
What about you? What staple foods do you always have on hand? If my husband had his way, ice cream would be on my list.
Minus the amaranth and kamut … this is what you’d find in my kitchen! Weird to find someone else whose pantry might look like yours!!
Well, amaranth is definitely the least used…but it’s encouraging, eh? Thanks for visiting, you probably think I’m stalking you at your blog
Okay, Kelly, I’ll be honest with you. I’m petrified of raw milk. It scares me to no end! Are you going to discuss it in your series? I do know a family that has cows, and sells raw milk ($5 a gallon, yikes!) In my research, which is limited, there are more cons and warnings than pros. Tell me what you’ve found out.
Girl, you’ve hit a topic I’m passionate about! Yes, I’ll be covering this on Friday. Ask questions if you have any, and I’ll take time to answer them next Wednesday (after the series ends).
Please do post about the salt! I can’t remember what Dr. Bradley says about it??