- Cover of The Big Picture Story Bible
We love to read. My husband loves to read, I love to read, and Tara loves to read for us to read to her. I desire for my children to grow up to be readers. Not only is reading a lifelong skill, but it is also one that provides even more opportunity to see and savor Christ. We have a large library of children’s books and we enjoy many of them several times a day. From educational books, to the Bible, biographies, and even fiction books, we have a wide selection of enjoyable reads.
In an effort to regularly share the gospel with my children, I have sought (and am still seeking) to build a library full of books that will aide me in this process. Since my oldest is a toddler, the books are pretty basic. We have a handful about Noah and the flood, a few about Moses, one or two about David, one about Abraham and Sarah, one about Saul’s conversion, Creation.., but today I want to share 5 my favorite Christian Children’s books with you.
My 5 Favorite Christian Children’s Books
1. The Big Picture Story Bible by David R. Helm. We were given several children’s Bibles before Tara was born, but this has been our favorite. We aim to read it each day after breakfast. The pictures are wonderful and the text is accurate and easy for little ones to understand.
2 The Gospel (Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers) by Joey Allen. I LOVE this book. It is jam-packed with Scriptural Truth’s on a toddler’s level. Each page communicates a very clear Scriptural Truth and I love that at the bottom of each page, the reference from which the page’s text refers to is listed. Each page has at least two or three. I highly recommend this book. This book is from a series of three books, which also includes The Trinity, and The Scripture. We don’t have the second, but we do have the third. I am most interested in The Gospel right now because that is right where we are with Tara.
3. Fool Moon Rising by Kristi Fluharty.This is a cute book that deals with the danger of pride and the importance of humility and giving Christ the glory. I love the pictures!
4. Do You Want a Friend? by Noel Piper. I especially enjoy this book because while it talks about Jesus being the ultimate friend, it communicates character traits that we should aspire to ourselves. We have been in the trenches of teaching kindness and this has been a help in showing Tara what it looks like to be a friend to her brother.
5. You Are Special by Max Lucado. This book holds a special place in my heart! During my last semester of college, while in Colorado yearfor a semester at the Focus Leadership Institute, one of our professors gave us each a copy of this book after she tearfully read it to our class. I believe that the aim of the book is more for older children who are “self-aware” but it has been wonderful in teaching empathy. The main character, Punchinello is a Wemmick who gets lots of dots because he can’t do anything “right.” Small children still do not notice quite as differences like we do. It is a blessing and an opportune time to teach about the beauty in our differences!
I know that there are many, many more valuable Christ-centered children’s books out there. I’ve only touched on a few, but if there are any favorites your family enjoys, please leave a comment sharing them with us!
So glad you posted this-it’s always great to get good book recommendations. Our favorite is the Jesus Storybook Bible…it’s awesome. Do you have it? It tells the gospel in every story. I also love the illustrating in it.
I don’t think we have the Jesus Storybook Bible. That’s one of the things I like about the Big Picture Bible, too!