I want to share this wonderful blog post by Sally Clarkson, titled, “Creating a Life Plan with Intentionality.” Hands down, Mrs. Clarkson is my favorite author on the subject of motherhood, thus far. I reviewed her book, The Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child’s Heart for Eternity (look under the Gospel-Centered Parenting button to the right). And last weekend I finished another wonderful book that she’s written, The Ministry of Motherhood: Following Christ’s Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children
(blog post about it soon!).
Mrs. Clarkson captures part of my vision for this blog in her own post:
I have often said to women, the building of your home–your family, legacy, children, depends on how large your vision is. The greater the vision, the bigger the task and foundation laid, and the more prominent the house. We can build a legacy as big as a condo or as far reaching as an estate–it just depends on our vision of what God wants us to do and our dependence on Him to accomplish exceedingly above and beyond what we could ask or think.
Motherhood provides us with an opportunity to build in such a way as to influence generations–literally thousands–by the life we choose to live. But, building such a legacy comes with planning. An architect planning to build must prepare his blueprints. And so it is with women. Designing a blueprint for living will insure that I am better able to know what I am building; what the cost will be; what is needed; and how long it will take to build such a home.
I’m away right now (five minutes from home!) for a few hours, with the purpose of planning and setting goals, so her article was very timely for me.
I hope you’re encouraged and inspired as you read her post!