Welcome to Domestic by Design! I’m so glad you’ve stopped by. If this is your first time, please start here! I’ve been offering giveaways all week. In order to enter, check out Tuesday and Wednesdays posts as well.
Ladies, as I prepared for today’s post to go up, I wrestled with a few things. In the spirit of being real, I thought I’d share with you. And since I know some of you, I figure there’s not a better place to be real than with a friend!
First of all, this has been a busy and tiring week with the “official” launch, so I’m tired! Even with pre-planning for this week, there have been last minute things to change, add, or fix.
Secondly, this blogging business requires delicate balance. My family is my most important priority on this earth. I am blogging first to be a blessing to my husband, in light of what is modeled to us in Proverbs 31 (I’m not insinuating that you are not emulating her if you aren’t doing what I’m doing). And then to encourage and spur you on in the Lord.
But it’s a lot of work. It requires much discernment in the use of my time because just like housework and raising children, there’s always something to be done on the blog. I have been reminded this week that no matter how successful I may be in encouraging other women, it won’t matter in the end if I have failed in my roles at home. Which is what I’m seeking to encourage you in as well!
As I’ve been working this week, on the forefront of my mind has been the desire to keep my family first. But it’s a battle because I enjoy blogging. And, I’m so easily distracted at times by housework that needs to be done that it’s harder for me to just get down and play with my kids at times. Do you ever with struggle the beast of selfishness as a mom? I want to kill it, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
I read a convicting, yet inspiring blog post last night here that I’d encourage you to read if you have the time. Sometimes I just need to refocus! I already light a candle regularly in our home (see blog post!), but will enjoy it with new meaning today.
So, I’m picking up a copy of one of my very favorite books, The Family (originally called Homemaking) by JR Miller and getting cozy for a sweet reminder of this most noble calling I have as a wife and a mother. I am so excited to get to know you and to serve you, but I don’t want to neglect what is more important. This is one of those moments when I question whether this kind of “being real” is healthy for a blog like mine. But I am sharing because it’s who I am and what I’m about. And I want you to know that about me so you can pray for me (and know that you’re not the only one who struggles with being selfish).
And I feel the need to let you know that I approach this blog with fear and trembling. I am not more holy than you. I don’t want to come across as thinking I am, either. I hate messing up and don’t want you to see my failures. But what scares me the most is not obeying God in the roles He’s given me within my family. So this blog is a tricky thing. Balancing time and practicing humility when it’s all too easy to promote self and be selfish. I want to learn from you, too. I am fairly young. I don’t want to try to teach any older women (even just one year older) who might visit my blog, but to humbly share what I’m learning in hope that it will cause you to see Christ and to worship Him.
This has been a very plainly “spoken” post. I sure hope it isn’t terribly jumbled and ill-written. Because my husband isn’t editing this one.
If you are in need of inspiration, refreshment, or renewed vision for your role as a wife and mother, I highly recommend JR Miller’s book. I could put quotes from it all over my home, because it’s beautifully written. I want to offer one of you a copy today.
Update: This giveaway is now closed. You can find the book in my store, though!
To win a copy, simply leave a comment below. You will be blessed as you read this wonderful book.
This post is part of Making Your Home a Haven, Fall 2010 hosted by Courtney at Women Living Well.
Thank you for your honesty … I struggle, too, with balance. Loved that post you linked … will go light a candle today and start praying!
The book sounds fantastic. I’d love to enter, please. Very generous of you.
Ha, you sound so much like me. Only I have a feeling I struggle A LOT more than you do, I’m sure I’m actually aiming for a life with your amount of struggle right now. Being pregnant, with 3 little girls, homeschooling and trying to keep house, the “selfish” beast rears it’s ugly head a lot these days.
I know where I need to keep my focus, now I just have to do it.
Thanks for your post, needed it today!
I also know all too well the search for the delicate balance between the blog world and the real world. My blog,, being named “Striving to Serve at Home”, would make one assume I had the “serving at home” stuff down pat, but it is always a continual struggle and something I have to reevaluate often.
I am excited about your new endeavor and pray that the Lord will grant you wisdom as you discern the best way to fulfill your most important duties as a wife and mother, and then your encouragement to the blogging world.
I’d love to enter for a copy of the book!
I have been watching your blog for the past few weeks, have liked all the new changes and am excited to follow along with any future book reading you do (loved the Mission of Motherhood, read it a few years ago and your reviews are what drew me into this blog). I hope to win the Family book and am excited to make a new friend. I pray that God will give you great JOY in your mothering today and always. Kindly,Denise
I love the honesty. I makes you seem so human
Rock on, girl. Do what needs to be done!
Ahh, balance. It’s a tough one. I wonder what the internet addiction rates are in women these days? a friend and I were talking about this just last week.
The honesty is endearing. I’d like to be entered for this book – sounds like a great one!
Love your humility, Kelly. Your blog is so approachable.
I am a single never married 36 year old who still desires to be married and have a family of my own. I am so thankful for my other family, parents and siblings and nieces, but believe strongly that God has given me the desire and “calling” to be married one day and have children of my own. I believe the Lord has a special plan for Christian families to be a part of building his Kingdom and modeling to the world the relationship between Christ and the Church and within the Trinity. I also have a heavy burden to strengthen families and help to drive ppl back from near the cliff that leads to divorce. Anyway, all that to say I would enjoy reading the book you mentioned and will check it out online. thanks for your tranparancy, Kelly!
Being real is what it’s all about. If you were never “real” with posts like this from time to time, I would not want to keep visiting.
Being real isn’t easy but God is growing me. The book sounds wonderful and I’d love to win! I also wanted to say that I also struggle greatly with the time and balance issue…blogging has become a hobby for me that I enjoy a lot, and also feel it is somewhat of a ministry. However, it is very easy (too easy) for me to be selfish with my time and I fight that as well! I love blogging b/c it is something I can do at home, but I know there has to be balance as well!!
Kelly, sometimes I still struggle with balance, after 18 years of marriage and 15 years of parenting (and 3 children later). But I will say, with only 3 years left until my first-born leaves for college, that my perspective has shifted somewhat. While I still want my house to be clean and the laundry completed (gotta have clean undies for all!), I have realized that time is fleeting and many times my to-do list is just a task list that can often wait while I give priority to the relationships in my life – with my husband, my children, my neighbors, etc. That pile of laundry will still be there, but the opportunity to connect with someone might not. I’ve become far less uptight as time has passed. I wish I could have been more like I am now when my children were little, but I suppose some of that is what we call wisdom…ha!
I love your desire to be close to the heart of God, Kelly. What an encouragement.
I loved this post. It helps to know I am not alone. I am loving this site more & more with everything I read!
Sounds like a wonderful book! Please enter me in the drawing!
I have been wanting to read this book. Did you already have the giveaway? I enjoyed reading your blog.
Yes, the giveaway has ended! I just updated the blog post after you commented…sorry! But it’s available in my store at the top of the blog!
It’s my favorite book on the family and has truly helped shape my vision for our family!