Dangers of the Birth Control Pill

Out of deep, genuine concern over a general lack of knowledge regarding how the birth control pill works, the dangers, and it’s potential risks, and because of an article I just recently read, I wanted to post a helpful link to aide in learning about it the dangers of the pill. If you are taking the pill or considering it,would you please consider reading the link below?

Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? by Randy Alcorn  – This is an excerpt, but on the site you can download the entire book for free.  There is more to read on the subject, but I think you’ll find this book is an extremely helpful guide!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.  I’d be more than happy to talk with you about it!

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4 Responses to Dangers of the Birth Control Pill

  1. Leah says:

    I hope that many, many women will read this post and pursue additional information about the dangers of birth control. I just sent my sister a similar link but with a tad more detail and additional links as a resource: http://www.drwalt.com/blog/?p=3008. So glad this topic was on your heart!

  2. Bobette says:

    There’s a very good article about oral contraceptions and breast cancer as well over here: http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/surgeon-birth-control-pill-a-molotov-cocktail-for-breast-cancer

  3. Kelly @ Domestic by Design says:

    Thanks for posting the link–I’ll definitely head over to read it. And thanks for stopping by!

  4. Kelly @ Domestic by Design says:

    Thanks for the link, I will read it! Yes, this whole issue of children in general is heavy on my heart. May I be winsome in my communication and led only by the Spirit in what I write about!