I realize it’s been reallllly quiet around here lately. I hope to sit down over the next few days to write out why. In the meantime, I thought I’d share a few pictures from our Christmas (click on them to enlarge them).
We enjoyed the annual Christmas get together with Blane’s dad’s side of the family on Christmas Eve and came home to my family who had arrived from MD while we were gone. It was a pretty quiet Christmas at our house then next day, to which Brant woke up with a fever and felt pretty crummy.
I am horrible about remembering to take pictures when we are with family, so I’m thankful for my sister who got a few of the kids with everyone. She took some absolutely precious shots of Brant (in my opinion!)
Did I mention that we had a white Christmas?

An attempt at a family shot. Next to me is my sister Laura, my mom, and my youngest brother, Michael (we are nearly 11 yrs apart)

Tara received a fish, affectionately named Nemo. Here she is showing him puzzles she received from Mimi.

He received his own from DeeDee (Blane's mom). I put this picture up choosing not to fear the opinion of man (or ahem, women)at the fact that we all have computers.

We have an insane number of stuffed animals. But *every* single one of them is played with, and they are Tara's favorites! (And apparently Brant's, too)
That was our Christmas in a nutshell. I’ll return soon with some explanations at to why it’s been quiet around here and what things will look like in the future!
Love the pic of you all on the laptops. LOL