That’s NOT a good combination when I’m planning to venture to the doctor’s office this morning! Thankfully, the office is literally a hop, skip, and a jump away from our home.
I’d covet your prayers for my kiddos. Since late last week, they’ve been coming down with something, but on Saturday by noon Tara was in bed with a fever of 103.2. It went down a bit that night but was up again to 102 on Sunday. It broke in the night and then by noon yesterday it began creeping again and was at 104 by 6:15.
So, in comes Children’s Motrin (cringe) to help stabilize her fever. I wanted to to get down to around 100/101 and thankfully, it did pretty quickly–and it’s stayed at 101.5ish since around 9p last night. She’s still sleeping as I write this, but at 4am when she woke up for water, it was still there.
It is my preference to avoid the doctor’s office if possible–simply because it’s a breeding ground for germs. I believe our bodies were designed to fight off most sickness and even infection, and that we can often times treat naturally at home.
However, with a high fever lasting a few days, it’s beyond what I’m comfortable with and believe a visit to the doctor will be the most wise thing to do at this point–I’m so thankful that their there when we need ‘em! My thought is that it’s the flu or walking pneumonia if it’s not just a nasty cold (but it seems like it’s more than that with a high fever since Sat.)
So, please pray for their healing. It is God who is the Healer–and we’ve been seeking Him since the get-go, so please ask for His hand to touch my children and heal them completely. And that Blane and I won’t get it–Blane feels like he’s starting to, but thankfully at this point, other than feeling like my body is trying to fight it off, I feel good.
Mom’s can’t get sick anyway, right?
I will be praying for you all Kelly.
Ps 121 “I life up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved, He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil, He will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.”
Your week made me think of this verse. Such truth can fill you with courage during these time: The Maker of heaven and earth comes to help; He watches over you incessantly; He keeps your life from now til all eternity. I know these verses soothe my soul when I read them.
Thank you so much Hannah! We are finally on the mend. I had that verse stuck on my headboard in high school.
I agree that they are so comforting.