My name is Kelly and I am joyfully married to Blane, my very own knight in shining armor! We have been blessed with three wonderful children, Tara (4.5) and Brant (2.5), and a baby due in August. We live in the beautiful east Tennessee (but I’m really a yankee, well, sort of!).
I’m a sojourner. I’m just passing through, anxiously looking forward to when I can see my Savior face to face. I haven’t arrived and am very much in process. So in the meantime, I plead for an increased desire and delight in Him, as He pours out His grace on me. My prayer is that He’ll mold me, conform me more to the image of His Son, and that He would give me deeper and deeper understanding of who He is. And that I’d live like I believe it and would bring Him glory. I want His glory known!
Along the way, I’ve experienced pain, heartache, and consequences from foolish decisions. But all the while, I’m learning who God is and what that means regarding His love for me. And I’m reeling at the ramifications of it all, barely able to drink it all in. It’ll be a lifelong process, I imagine.
The main categories you’ll find on this site are areas that I deal with on a daily basis. And this about page might change about as often as I do. I’m such a work in progress and I desire to be obedient to the Lord. Sometimes when I begin moving in one direction, He points me toward another.
My desire is to be a tool of the Lord to inspire others toward a relationship with the Lord that absolutely captivates and spills over into every area of her life at home–whether single or married, barren or a quiver full. Not because I have the ability to inspire. In fact, it’s with fearful hands that I type. I want to be very careful. It’s just that I want him to be known.
There is a reason behind everything I do. I want every area of my life to be guided first by Scripture and the Holy Spirit’s leading. Therefore, I love theology. It’s incredibly important for us as wives and moms to have a firm grasp on what we believe, from the Bible, because it plays out in every area of life. I love talking and writing about it. In fact, I am passionate about it–about letting Scripture, not experience, not feelings, not highly respected leaders in the body of Christ–guide how we live.
The only problem is that it takes me forever to write about it. And I am fearful. So while I’m trembling at my keyboard trying to spit out what whirls around in my head and heart, I’ll share a lot of helpful practical things pertaining to all areas of life, which are admittedly easier for me to write about. But even the most practical decisions and actions in life stem from Biblical principles, interestingly enough.
And rest assured that anything controversial that I may write about, my husband edits. It is my desire to be winsome in my writing. I want to honor and bring glory to the Lord, not spout haughty opinions. I want to represent his name and our family well, so those published are under his blessing.
The name of the blog…
You see, “design” is both a noun and a verb. I believe it is part of God’s design (the noun) that we were created primarily to live out a role that pertains to the affairs, the happiness, and the well-being of our home and those whom dwell there.
“She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:27
“The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.” Proverbs 14:1
I don’t believe God left us all alone to figure out how to do it, but laid out in his word what our roles entail. Proverbs 31 and Titus 2 are two examples of where we are instructed. However, I also believe that He leaves a lot of room for creativity for each individual woman to live out her role to the fullest—without compromising the principles in His Word. I believe we need to design (the verb) a plan—a design for how these roles will be lived out in accordance with His Word. In other words, there is a place for us to plan, purpose, and sketch out a “design” for our wonderful roles. Every household looks different. Every woman is different, every woman’s husband is different. Therefore, our individual “design” or “plan” will vary from one woman to the next—what a wonderful design God had! We can learn from one another, glean advice, and try new ways of doing things.
For more, visit the Welcome and Introduction category.