Thank you for stopping by Domestic by Design, I’m so excited that you’re here! This day has been long awaited as I’ve worked hard to build a blog that will encourage and spur women on toward Christ and His Word, in every area of life. Many hours of thought, prayer, and work have been put into this, and it is still work in progress. But, I hope you’ll be encouraged and edified! In the video below, I’ll share my vision for the blog and a little about myself.
I am passionate about Jesus Christ. I desire to see Him glorified in my life…in every area of my life. I don’t want to have any area of my heart that is not surrendered to Him or attentive to the Holy Spirit. Seeking to live this way is not always easy, and it is definitely not popular with the world. In fact, sometimes it’s hard, lonely, and tiring. But, there is also great joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment that can be found as trials are overcome and self yields more and more to the Holy Spirit.
Here at Domestic by Design, I want to encourage you, spur you on, and help you to pursue God (even in the hardest of places) for the purposes of His glory and your sanctification. That’s what this blog is all about. Seeking the Lord by turning to Scripture as our guide as we walk through life. This blog is about intersecting sacred faith with practical requirements of life. Since everything we do should be done in faith (Rom 14:23), life shouldn’t be done any other way! The gospel is for all of life.
With that said, it is important to note that I am very open to evaluating my perspectives on just about everything. I desire to write with humility, and I don’t want to be so arrogant as to assume that I have it all figured out! What I will attempt to communicate on this blog are things I have come to believe, usually with my husband, through studying Scripture, seeking the Lord, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. My desire is that you’ll read this blog with a mind that is open yet evaluating. Evaluate what I write. Evaluate your presuppositions. And, please don’t hesitate to ask me questions or to respectfully challenging me if you believe I may be in Scriptural error or factual error! I don’t plan to force my opinions on you. I do plan to share with you things I’ve learned and am learning that I believe can be of benefit to many (if not most) women.
I also want you to know that anything I write about on this blog that I think may be controversial my husband reads and edits for me. I earnestly desire to bless, be blameless before the Lord, and represent my husband well.
So, if you read this blog regularly, you’ll notice a variety of categories and topics that I’ll write about. The topics will range from how we view food, our marriages, our role as mothers, money, as well as others. And, as an added bonus, I am so excited for you to get to know a few people the Lord has used to encourage and build my character as they contribute to the blog as well.
You can read about the origin of the blog name here. This will be helpful for you to understand exactly how everything ties together!
Again, thank you so much for stopping by. It blesses me and is humbling to know that others would take the time to read what I’ve written. Please feel free to leave comments, contact me through the contact form, or email me at any point along the way. I want you to be a huge part of this place. I know I don’t know everything, and your expertise may be helpful in building a mutually beneficial community here. I am writing for God’s glory, the edification of others, and to serve as a blessing to my family. This place is for you. I want you to be a part of it!
You’ll notice advertising and will hear me mention affiliate programs I’m a part of. It is my desire to bless my family through seeking to bring income into our home, but that is not my main purpose of this blog. I desire to serve women. If, through service to others, I am able to generate a extra income for my family, hooray! It is my desire to bring to you products that I can 100% recommend to you. Most we use or are a part of ourselves. So please know that there will never be any knowingly questionable companies or products recommended here.
A little about me…
I am Kelly, and I’m married to Blane, the most wonderful, godly man in the world. We have two kids, Tara (3) and Brant (1). We are hoping and praying for many more children!
We live in east Tennessee, where Blane grew up and where we met. I’m originally from Maryland, so I’m really just a displaced Yankee. We are part of a wonderful body of believers associated with Sovereign Grace Ministries.
I enjoy running (it’s therapeutic for this mama), reading, and learning. I ask lots of questions (you’ll soon see this!) I am imperfect, hard on myself, and am learning how to laugh at myself. I love meeting new people, and though I may be reserved at first, I’m generally not afraid to walk up to someone I don’t know and introduce myself. So I hope you won’t be shy around here!
I hope you come back often. I am looking so forward to getting to know you and hope that I can serve you in such a way that you are blessed and inspired to deeper love and admiration for our Savior! Thank you for stopping by!
And a giveaway…
I have loved decorating our home with Scripture since we married. Most recently, a friend asked me to make her a few Scripture frames for her upcoming marriage, and I decided to extend the reach. I will have many more available in my store very soon, so stay tuned!
Two people will win a Scripture frame to decorate their home with!
The contest is open until Saturday, October 9th at midnight. I will choose a winner (through a program on my computer) and will announce the winner on Monday, October 11th. To enter, simply leave a comment!
Come back every day this week for a new giveaway! I’m excited to introduce you to some pretty neat people who have graciously given gifts for you!
Giveaway is closed!
Hi Kelly! Your mother-in-law, Deirdre, shared your blog link with me! I go to church with her and have gotten to know her through our Tuesday Morning Bible studies. Anyway, I also love blogging and thought I’d stop by and share my link and say, “hi!” Your blog looks wonderful and I will have to bookmark you and come back to visit often!
P.S. My brother and his wife used to attend Cornerstone and knew one of Blane’s brother, not sure if you knew them either – David and Rachel
Hello Kelly!
Excited about your new blog site. It looks amazing and can’t wait to come back to visit longer. Tara is a natural in front of the camera!!! I am super blessed to know your amazing mother-in-law, Mrs. Tarr, and look forward to Titus Tuesday’s!!!! God Bless you and your family.
Hey Kelly! We all miss you here in Kentucky but are so glad to know all is well with you guys! What a wonderful blog/website… you’re such a blessing and inspiration to all of us! Can’t wait to see how your blog will reach out to so many of us! Thanks again for all you do! God Bless!
Hi Kelly, I’ve only had a chance to watch the intro video, but I certainly plan to come back when I have a little more time to read! I love your idea for this blog – it is just what women need! Also, Tara is adorable! Having her in your video, just being herself as you explained your vision, is a perfect picture of what motherhood is – doing our best to remain calm and focus in the midst of chaos!
Good luck with your endeavor!
Love the new blog site (and LOVE Tara’s facial expressions on the video
). Can’t wait to learn more from what God has been revealing to you!
Kelly, Your website looks wonderful! Thank you for your godly example to me! I look forward to reading your posts!
You sure do have a cutie girl!!!
Hi Kelly! I think it’s awesome that you’ve been called to serve women and families through your blog. I’m really excited to read more. I’ll be back to dig deeper when I have more time!
Thanks Tara! I’m excited, too!
Oh, and I have a wonderful SIL! You are an instrument of the Lord’s grace in my life!! Thanks for visiting!
Yes, I knew she’d be the real show-stopper.
I’m excited to share, too. Thank you for stopping by…and letting me know you did!
Your words are so encouraging, Karen! Thank you for stopping by! I only wish I always remained calm and focused…but it’s a process of sanctification, right?
Thanks Sarah!! I’m so glad you came by. Your words are gracious and encouraging.
Thank you so much Jeannie! Yes, Tara is *quite* the ham.
I’m so excited to see how the Lord will use this in ALL of our lives!
Hey Candace! So glad you stopped by! I enjoyed seeing your blog, too!
Yay! The new look is beautiful! So excited for you! Hugs from Chattanooga!
Thanks, Sara!!
hello Kelly! I was encouraged and excited to find an email from Deirdre in my inbox. I thought she was starting a new blog, but glad to know now that you are the creator of domestic by design. I will look forward to reading… looks like you’ve been at it awhile though this is the official launch. I might just pick up from here until my interest is piqued for an archive. Deirdre was one of my Sunday school teachers during my college days. I specifically remember parts of our study in John to this day. I know she has prayed for Godly offspring in her family and I am thankful to see you are a part of the answer to those prayers. Glad to read about your growing family and I will look forward to seeing your introductory video with Tara in it.
Hi Kelly! Congrats on such a great blog. I love your design, and I’m sure I will come back and poke around. I’m sure to be encouraged by your insights, and I hope the Lord will shine Himself upon you as you do this for His glory. Blessings to you all.
This is so exciting! It looks great and I cannot wait to see everything you have to share. I will definitely be recommending it to all my friends! Love you and miss you.
My friend Melissa shared the link to your blog. I am enjoying reading it and look forward to future posts.
where are you guys living these days? we are in chattanooga.
Hi! I am a wife and mom of four….almost five! I am so excited to read more and more! A friend sent me this link in an email, and what a blessing! I hope that you will be blessed as you follow the LORD in this! Be bold! Speak the truth! Glorify the LORD! Be Blessed! Can’t wait for more to come!
Thank you so much for the sweet comment, Carrie! I am so thankful and blessed to be a part of the family…and did you know she discipled me beforehand? Sweet all the way to the end.
Elizabeth, I hope you’ll come back…and be a big part of this place.
You are so sweet, Melissa. And I wish I could see what YOU will soon have to share.
Miss mama of a little girl!!
Thanks Adriane! I’m so thankful you stopped by and hope you come back often!
Hey Camille! Thanks for stopping by, I’ll send you an email.
Congratulations on number 5! Thank you so much for you edifying words! I genuinely hope this will be a place where Truth is spoken and we are changed by God’s word!!
I met you while you and Blane were stationed at Ft Knox. I was greatly encouraged through getting to know you. You always were and now demonstrate an even great desire to honor and glorify God. Thank you for your work!
Hi! Found your blog through the Homemaking Link-up on Raising Homemakers … looking forward to reading more from you!
So glad I found this. Looks like a great site, I look forward to visiting often!
I just wanted to let you know that I am very encouraged by your site. Even though you do not know me, I’m really looking forward to learning more about your journey in the Lord through this site. I praise God for your heart and your willingness to surrender to Him.
Hi, I was introduced to Domestic by Design by my daughter-n-law, Ruth, through Facebook. I’ve enjoyed reading about your ministry. Please enter me in the giveaways. Thanks and God Bless.
I appreciate your heart for the Lord and for sharing the gospel, Kelly. Brady has played an influential role in mentoring our son, Ethan, and your whole family is a special family to our family. Thank you for sharing your blog with us. I must agree with Deirdre that Tara steals the show in your video!
Love your beautiful blog and your heart for our sweet Jesus. I pray the Lord would multiply your efforts 10 fold with HIS financial blessing to your family. Happy Weekend.
YEAH new Friend – super excited for you and pray the Lord will minister His love,grace,encouragement, and exhortation to many,many, woman! Blessings.
Hey Kelly, looks good! Can’t wait to read more and hear more from your heart! It’s nice to see women of God seeking to live a Biblical, God-honoring life! I feel like I am in the same place as you (except mine are 2 and 5 months
) and also seeking to apply myself to Biblical instruction and living! I saw your blog on Kaki’s facebook, btw.
hi, i’ve found your blog through above rubies. thank you for sharing your life with us!
Thank you for taking the time to make this blog. I look forward to keeping up with reading this & learning from your site.
Your blog is great. Thanks for sharing it!!!
This week has been so wonderful! I love it when God reaches out and tells me exactly what to do. I have been working to rearrange my living room and dining room so that we didn’t have to drag food through the house to and from the kitchen. In doing so I have an empty space on my wall that has been calling for a fairly large something or other. Your posts this week have led me on a journey and I know exactly what is going to go on my wall. It is going to be a huge piece of scripture! I just can’t wait to see the finished product. The best thing about it (besides it being God’s word) is that the entire family can take part in its creation, even Jeremiah from Iraq!
Thank you for blessing my family greatly!